Social Entrepreneurs
The Haven believes that the days of traditional nonprofits living off an annual grant-based donation system is fast coming to an end. As economies change and are transformed, nonprofits need to be nimble, flexible and not risk averse – like many small businesses and entrepreneurs. We can not be passive in our approach to creating community healing and change; we must adapt and try new things. Remember: the last 7 words of every organization are “We’ve never done it that way before…”
The Haven will seek to forge a new way – utilizing proven methods and ways and creating and fostering new solutions to provide our community recovery services.
This is nothing new; it is called social entrepreneurism – the use of entrepreneurial business models to meet social and community needs and address social issues like addiction. The Haven is indeed a 501c3, so we can receive grants and donations that are tax deductible. But we will employ other creative means to address sustainability, including such possibilities as starting a for-profit entity to generate mission-driven revenue that will sustain and fund our services.
Our initial goal is to obtain capital funding to build or rehabilitate a facility for 150 men in Roanoke, Virginia and then a facility for 150 women in Lynchburg, Virginia. The funding stream may come from a social enterprise that creates revenue as well as other creative funding opportunities such as Low-Income Housing Tax Credits, New Market Tax Credits, Historic Tax Credits, Opportunity Zone Funds, State Enterprise Grants and similar funding programs.
This model would allow individuals without financial resources to complete a recovery program and find new life, hope, and become restored citizens.
In short, we intend to build a transformative physical and social structure built on the healing power of community.